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A Real User's Experience: Craig Bell

A Real User's Experience: Craig Bell

July 19, 20244 min read

A Real User’s Experience: Craig Bell

Across the country, many are feeling the pressure of rising healthcare costs. According to the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA), U.S. healthcare spending totaled $4.5 trillion, or $13,493 per person in 2022. Healthcare spending accounted for 17.3% of the country’s total gross domestic product (GDP) in the same year. 

Craig Bell, a small business owner and experienced traveler from Detroit, Michigan, was feeling the effects of the U.S. healthcare system when he was introduced to Dr. Jawad Arshad, CEO of WoW Health Solutions. 

“We have healthcare through our current jobs, but it’s, you know, one of those where every year it got more expensive, and the benefits got a little bit worse,” Bell said. 

Bell wasn’t particularly on the search for a different healthcare option, but when a good friend introduced him to Dr. Arshad, he saw an opportunity. 

“I’m a big believer that the healthcare space in our country is completely broken, and needs some disruptive technology,” Bell said. “Having traveled all over the world, seeing healthcare that functions properly for human beings, and seeing its dysfunction in the U.S.” 

Bell, through his travels to Spain, Japan and Germany, saw how other countries handled healthcare and avenues for accessing care. He recalled speaking with colleagues in various countries about how healthcare systems vary across the globe. 

“They can’t believe it when I talk about what healthcare costs in this country,” Bell said.

Bell now uses his traditional health benefits through an employer and uses WoW Health as his primary vehicle for healthcare. He said using WoW has been a learning experience and is helping with significant cost savings. 

What are some of the biggest draws to using WoW?

Bell was initially drawn to WoW Health as an intriguing concept that he wanted to learn more about, and whether it would be a disruption in the traditional healthcare space. Since using WoW, he has had the opportunity to have a deeper understanding of healthcare.

“I’m learning a lot about how the healthcare system works, and how WoW really empowers one to take control of your healthcare,” Bell said. 


The ability to receive free generic medications is one of the biggest benefits of WoW Health, according to Bell. 

“Just the other day, I got a text saying ‘time to get your medicine renewed, click this text and push go’ and it shows up at my house a week later,” Bell said.

WoW Health membership includes access to up to 400 generic medications, or 93% of prescriptions, at zero cost. Members can choose to have their medications delivered to their home at no additional cost, or they can be picked up from one of the 70,000 local pharmacies that work with WoW. In addition to the top 400 free medications, users receive steep discounts with complete price transparency.


In addition to free and easy medication access, Bell cited WoW Health’s transparency as a tool for taking control of your own healthcare and having a better understanding of the cost of routine care such as prescriptions, physicals and office visits.

“Something like an MRI is more expensive with insurance than it is if I pay cash with WoW – and that just blows my mind,” Bell said. “It’s given us both, my wife and I, a lot of insight into what the costs of care truly are.”

With WoW Health, all users have full price transparency of any care they may seek. With the mobile app, WoW users can take full control of their healthcare in the palm of their hands. 

Beyond these aspects of a WoW Health membership, Bell said meeting and interacting with Dr. Jawad Arshad, CEO of WoW Health, also influenced his decision to use WoW. 

“Jawad is a businessman who is also a kind human being,” Bell said. “He cares – he cares about changing the system, he cares about people, he genuinely is a good and caring person.”

Craig Bell’s experience with WoW Health highlights a growing need for disruptive solutions in the U.S. healthcare system. By providing affordable, transparent, and user-friendly healthcare options, WoW Health offers a viable alternative to traditional healthcare plans. 

Interested in learning more about WoW Health? Book a conversation with an REQ team member at this link!

Want to take control of your healthcare and sign up for WoW? You can sign up as a member here!

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Kenzie Terpstra

Kenzie Terpstra is a senior at Michigan State University, studying journalism with a minor in broadcast journalism. She will be graduating with a Bachelor's Degree in journalism in December 2024. Kenzie is currently a journalist intern at REQ Consulting.

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