What are our Consulting Services?

A combination of experience, skill, commitment, and professionalism, enables us to help our clients achieve just and fair resolution of their disputes — while maintaining their dignity and compassion.

We focus on providing wise leadership and helping people solve problems, not starting wars.

We make sure our clients feel heard, understood, supported, and respected. Then we work in a respectful partnership with them to explore ideas and options to create the best possible resolution.​

Without sacrificing quality, we help our clients resolve their disputes as quickly and inexpensively as possible. We promote the use of the least stressful and damaging path that is effective for achieving our clients’ goals.​

From a place of deep caring about the people who seek our help, We strive to offer clients leadership, guidance, and support as they experience the enormous pain and stress of conflict and the uncertainty it brings.

We intend to serve all of our clients with intelligence, compassion, and dedication. We truly wish each client and all its members happiness and a successful resolution of their conflicts. We want everyone to thrive.

We are committed to listening deeply to clients, understanding their deepest needs and goals, and helping achieve the fairest, quickest, and most satisfying resolution possible.​

We are committed to solving problems for our clients and never inflaming conflicts or disputes. This commitment is designed to provide a sense of security and ease. Whether we are working as mediators or consultants, we are committed to crafting fair outcomes.

We will never sacrifice fairness and justice to promote a settlement agreement, that creates a false resolution. When the parties cannot reach a fair settlement agreement in mediation, we will help both clients or parties obtain high-quality representation.

Solutions Lab For Competitive Conflict

Our Approach to solving team problems of competitive conflict


It's interesting as far as we'll look at a secular psychologist, Fred Luskin, saying you can control your feelings by what you think about. And in the same way, here, we, once again, have a path, an approach, that says, you know what? You may have feelings that say I don't want to forgive, and you know what? OK.

But am I going to be governed by my feelings? Or do I have a part of my personality that rises above my feelings and has convictions? Frankly, if I do the right thing, my feelings will follow the thought.

By incorporating a uniquely designed proprietary model, we are able to provide the skills for addressing, harnessing, and understanding these powerful assets to diminish conflict​

Our goal is to address these behaviors and high-conflict situations to evaluate, teach, and provide training so conflicts do not alter morale or performance and, importantly, salvage everyone’s experience.​

REQ Consulting aims to provide a resource incorporating confidential mediation to understand, learn, correct, solve, and/or find solutions for competitive conflict.​

Mediation is giving control to other parties, empowering them when on our platform where they can talk to each other and feel empowered to resolve a conflict impeding their and the team's potential within this confidential environment.

As Albert Einstein states, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity,” where every negative situation has the potential to highlight what one can control, what to let go of, and shift your mindset to be successful

thermometer [#749] Created with Sketch.

Thermometer, lets the room decide the temperature/mood/energy


Thermostat, set the temperature/mood/energy of a room

Be the coffee bean. When the bean hits the boiling water, it influences its environment by controlling its reaction to the uncontrollable adversity

Sometimes progress is made by taking a step backward to give insight into where it went wrong, where conflict was born, and measure progress not by the future, but by the actions of what is actually happening

Contact Us

Have questions or feedback? We'd love to hear from you! Feel free to reach out using the contact form below or connect with us via phone. Our dedicated team is here to assist you and provide the information you need. Your input is valuable to us as we strive to enhance your experience. We aim to respond promptly and look forward to assisting you.